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Beer Labels

Coughlin's Law asked for a few concepts for their new beer labels. They wanted something sleek and able to transform for different flavors.

CL 12oz Can Mockup SB 1.png
CL 12oz Can Mockup SB 3.png
CL 12oz Can Mockup SB 2.png

Design choices

With no clear demographic, I wanted to go for something sleek but timeless. To achieve this, I used modern curves and diagonals in combination with the malt barley pattern that reminded me of vintage wallpaper.

CL 12oz Label SB-01.jpg


With so much information, I made containing shapes to differentiate the types of content.

The gold provided by the brewery makes for a fun accent and compliments the other colors well.



The labels are modern, yet timeless, appealing, and full of personality.

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