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*school work*

Betty Crocker's old school favorites

Betty Crocker created a new limited time only line of "old school" cake flavors. I designed the packaging, print ad, and in-store box display.


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Stay True to the Brand

My main goal was to stay true to the brand that consumers already know and trust. To do that, I tied in elements from the current packaging, such as the blue flavor banners, a themed spoon logo, and the instruction illustrations that consumers are already familiar with.
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Design choices

The line consisted of four vintage cake flavors; honey rum, cocoa cola, citrus dream, and pear which were popular in the 70s - 80s. I wanted every color, photo, and feature to feel fun and retro to match those flavors.

In my research I found that pink, blue, yellow, and green were some of the most popular pastel colors of the 80s. 

Box designs

Since there is so much information needed on the front of the box, hierarchy was important.

A few ways I established importance were making the banners blue (to contrast all the warm tones), putting the logo front and center, and the name of the line a few layers behind what was more important.

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On the backside, I did switch a few things around like the layout of the instructions, and added Spanish.​

Not all Betty Crocker boxes show Spanish instructions, but in my research, I saw that a big chunk of their consumers are Spanish speakers, so I wanted to include that on my boxes.

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point of purchase

On the point-of-purchase, I added a limited time only banner to the side to draw attention to the fact that if the consumers wanted to try these mixes, this may be their only chance.

All of those decisions were made in order to drive consumer visibility, interaction, and of course, sales.

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The end product for Betty Crocker's new line of "Old School Favorites" is fun, retro, and most importantly, true to the brand and appeals to their existing consumers.

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